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Welcome to GAMA!

Welcome to the Home of Georgetown Aero Modelers Association (GAMA).  We are an R/C flying club with facilities located north of Georgetown, near Walburg in Texas.


We consist of about ninety members (kids of all ages), are chartered with the Academy of Model Aeronautics, and our primary purpose is to pursue the fun of flying radio controlled model aircraft and quadcopters.

GAMA is a FAA-Recognized Identification Area. Remote ID broadcasting modules for aircraft over 0.55lbs (250g) are not required. LAANC is not required for this location.

Drone Capture over field

NOTICE: To our Members: if you have not yet registered for this website, as well as created a member profile, please click here and follow the instructions. If you are not yet a member of GAMA and wish to join our club please follow the links under the menu item "Join Us".


Announcements - Club Meeting date/time


​Next Club meeting will be on Saturday, February 8th, at the GAMA field. Meeting will start at 11:00.


​​​Annual Swap Meet was a great success .. more than 90 vendor tables occupied over 2 days, lots of folks wandering through looking for bargains, very successful kitchen activity and lots of club support. Thanks again to all who volunteered their time to help out!


 Swap Meet results will be presented at February meeting.​​


Come See What This is All About -


People interested in seeing what this is all about are invited to come to the GAMA Flying Field and approach any member present and introduce yourself.  Our field is a locked facility but members are usually present between the hours of 11 am and 4 pm, 7 days each week (weather permitting).

Driving directions can generally be found on any GPS system under the name of "GAMA RC Flying Field" in Georgetown, Texas..

Dawn Patrol_edited.jpg

Dawn Patrol

Ready to go !

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© COPYRIGHT Georgetown AeroModelers Association, Inc, 2022

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